Karol Gajda

The Story Behind The Push-Up Challenge & How Kendrick Perkins Helped Make One Tall Vegan! (Stupid Stuff Guys Do)

June 6, 2012
Thumbnail image for The Story Behind The Push-Up Challenge & How Kendrick Perkins Helped Make One Tall Vegan! (Stupid Stuff Guys Do)

If you follow me on Twitter (@KennyEller) or have liked my mevsMJ.com Facebook page, you’ve probably seen me mention the push-up challenge over the last couple of weeks. This is the untold story behind the push-up challenge!

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The EXACT Moment YOU Should Begin YOUR Passion Project!

November 16, 2010

NOW!!! A large part of me wanted to end the post there, with one word.  That one word pretty much sums it up, so if you have other things to do, you can stop reading now and just know that you should begin your passion project NOW! If you are still reading…thank you!  As Heavy […]

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Just because you CAN, does that mean you should?

September 3, 2010

I can solve a Rubik’s Cube. A couple of years ago a buddy of mine, Karol Gajda, brought the 80s phenomenon over to my house and I kept it.  I would sit around on the couch in the evenings and work on it.  When my wife and I would travel somewhere and she drove, I […]

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