
Two Things That You Control Today, That Will Change Your Tomorrow (A Shooting Story)

September 23, 2012
Thumbnail image for Two Things That You Control Today, That Will Change Your Tomorrow (A Shooting Story)

Before I shook hands with Michael Jordan and told him about, I saw it happen! I’ve seen the 1-on-1 game with MJ! I’ve seen myself speaking to thousands, encouraging young and old what I believe, that Anything Is Possible with Faith & Hard Work! I’ve seen lives changed!

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How to Lose Your BIG BUT!

January 6, 2011

31,536,000 That’s how many seconds are in each calendar year. Now, now, now, now, now…a few more gone, sprayed like they’ve been released from an automatic weapon, past your life never to be captured again. You’ll probably chew up over 240 just reading this post. If you don’t mind me asking, exactly how old are […]

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